Saturday, November 12, 2011

The snow has arrived

Its official- the snow has arrived.  Last night was the first snow storm.  We have about 3 inches now.  We did not get a chance to rake up the leaves.  Hopefully it will melt and we will be able to get that done as there was alot of them!

Today I made a batch of this jelly.  Joe makes homebrew, so when I saw the concept of making a beer jelly, I looked it up and found this recipe.  It definitely has a stout flavor.  It can be use on grill cheese sandwiches or used as a glaze for ribs.

Then I tried this recipe for Caramel Apple Jam using this recipe  Can't say that I was thrilled with it.  But the boys like it and I think it would be good warmed up on ice cream.

The gardens are put to rest for the winter and ready for spring.  We did not get the other bed made before the snow came.  So it has become a spring chore to do.