Monday, May 9, 2011

Goals for the garden-2011

I want to plant peppercini pepper plants and can them.
I want to plant pickling cucumbers and make dill pickles -Planted 5-21
I want to have successfull tomatoes to can. Planted 16 12' high plants 5-21
I want to have lots of basil to freeze into cube of pesto
I want a fricking pumpkin patch

New thing that I am going to try -
Put the poinsetta plant out today.  Not looking very good 5-21
Plant zinnias-to see if Katie likes them for the wedding and for a splash of color in the front "B" triangle
Work on the living wall.
Rooting willow trees for the privacy line

Spring prep and planting

Yesterday was Mother's Day.  Went to church and had a good breakfast, just the 3 of us.   Joe, Jake & I went and gathered poop to amend the box gardens along with lime.  Last year- 2010- we made 6 8x4 railroad ties garden boxes.  We filled them with dirt that we took away from the previous owner's weird ass landscaping around the house.  So the dirt was probably "dead" dirt as our garden were terrile last year.  Hopefully warmer spring weather and this will help produce some plentiful gardens.  Never in a million years, I would of thought that I would be out in the pasture on a little garden tractor with Joe following behind and me yelling "Poop" for Joe to scoop up. We actually did have fun, laughed alot.  The kids came over later on and it was a very nice Mother's Day all around.

Today -
Just planted basil, spinach,  peas, radish and romain lettuce.  I also planted some dahilias on the edge of the boxes to give a border of flowers on each side of the boxes.  We will see how they will turn out.  It is 62 degrees out right now